
Config various settings

Pindang2 Scripts supports various settings by default. The available options and their configuration methods are as follows:
Script Name
Change language
Auto Textbox
Additional Transform
언어 변경
To change the language, click the "Info" button in the script UI, and then click the [Lang/言語/언어] button in the displayed window.
(Example shown is for the "Additional Transform" option)
Pindang2 Scripts shares all settings across each other. For example, if I change the language in Script A that I created, the language in Script B that I created will also change. Please click "Yes" to continue.
Select English, Japanese, or Korean, and then click OK.
Then, two windows as shown above will appear, indicating that the language has been changed.
After that, if you use the script again, you will see the instructions in the changed language.
What if the script is running in Standalone mode?
In this case, you need to directly edit the configuration file. The configuration file for Pindang2 Scripts is located in the following location:
User Documents folder → config_p2_scripts.json
Open the file, and change {"lang":"this part"} as follows:
ko_KR : Korean
en_US : English
ja_JP : Japanese
Once you have finished editing, save and close the file. Return to After Effects and run the script again.